Her Beauty
They spend seconds upon minutes upon hours upon days searching for the perfect words to illustrate her beauty
But they’ll never find these words because she leaves the earth speechless
Even if the words existed no one would have the courage to speak
Because when you see her, words resist falling from lips
And when she sees you see her, words hide from the mind
I don’t mean to be rude but I can’t take my eyes off you
For the one second that your eyes returned the favor of my gaze I found myself
I found myself once lost until I imagined you by my side
Lost with no care for direction as long as we continued to look the same direction
The next second ticked as I blinked to see nothing, no beauty or direction
Lost in the world with my eyes shut hoping you return by the time my eyes open
p.s. I am lost in your eternal beauty and I hope I never find a map…