Love Poem: Her Seashell and His Child
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Written by: Johnny Rhinem

Her Seashell and His Child

As the tides slowly recede

Remnants left upon the shore

Reflecting beneath the sunlight

That bathes them now, from beyond the once obscure depths

Shimmering and glistening, souvenirs to soon be found and held

By the eager eyes of a child's tender hands

Whom shall rescue them, from their once solitude

No longer their existence without a purpose

For a gleeful heart will bring them home

To be treasured, for countless years to come

And the tales which they shall both then share

Within the smiling whispers amid the night

Innocence of purities never ceasing hearts

Still capable of dreaming, all things beautiful and true

Enchanting's impossible, beyond the imaginaries of hope

Stories from the waters, that washed them across all time

Into the warmth of a perfect child

That breathed the breath of belonging, for them both

Through the many magical wonders, of unsullied sight

Thousands of years upon their journeys, to this destiny they have arrived

Beneath the glories of Heavens always knowing

Their fate, and their final resting place

In the softness of the endlessness, of the majestic splendours be a child

Where through they crossed these dark and murkened currents, to someday arrive

To be loved within restoration, was their longing and belief

All along as they journeyed, through this realm of translucent space

This place between nothing, toward these havens of faith

Delivered from the shadows, into the light of conditions no more

Belonging to their finding, a million stories to be unveiled

To the amazement of a child, whom saw their reason from afar

As with joy they embraced them, and held them close to their heart

Cast upon the shores, glittering treasures beneath this sun

Gathered by the hands, of a perfect one

Beyond the night, it was love, that finally won

The reasons for it all, wrapped eternally, within the purities from above....


..................................Her Seashell and His Child ~