Love Poem: Here's To Love
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Written by: Jack Ellison

Here's To Love

Everyone is forever searching for love Some find it, then lose it, for some it lasts a lifetime They are the fortunate ones waking up each morning Knowing that special person will always be there Through all that life has to offer Rainy days as well as those bright sun filled days When it feels like absolutely nothing Will ever bring us down from our high I often feel these wonderful days Days of love, happiness, and quiet contentment Nothing will ever equal them They make up for all the days of turmoil and strife I am a very loving, passionate man Overly sensitive at times but that's not a bad way to be If you can tolerate my constant harping on love Then we will definitely get along swimmingly They say it makes the world go around Sure don't think a truer phrase has ever been uttered! Here's to love!!!