Love Poem: He's All I Need
Regina Mcintosh Avatar
Written by: Regina Mcintosh

He's All I Need

Mist on the river, breathless, aching,
	Prayers and praises, 
		A sense of gentle 
			Kissing away the past…

Fresh dew, glistening on the thoughts,
	Forever amazing,
		Drowning the night,
			Blessing the light…

His still, small voice, like grace,
	Sensing my deepest hope,
		Erasing the darkness, the fears,
			Wiping away the sound of grief…

Lessons in tears, stirring my spirit,
	Whispering joy into my dreams,
		Coloring my yearnings beautiful,
			Like the seeds of heartfelt, believing…

Memories turned to pages,
	Stuffed with fragile flowers,
		Recalling all that has been,
			All the love God has created…

Steamy July promises, gestures of peace,
	Warming the day with grace,
		Promises of a starlit sky,
			Twinkling like fireflies…

His blessings are new every morning,
	His light falling soft on the soul,
		His breath pouring out kindness,
			His word an opening for souls…

Wherever I go, He is waiting,
	Beyond the flesh who desires the dark,
		His light reflects my heart’s poverty,
			Remembering, for me – for the weak…

He gave up His life on this earth,
	Became a sacrifice who could save souls,
		Rose again to show that a new life awaits,
			For believers, time has no ending, no close…

When I think of His gift to us,
	His love poured out in scarlet, 
		Blood bought by the King of Kings,
			Saved to the uttermost by His grace…

There is no other, only Jesus,
	Who knew the way to bring hope,
		Who knew the heart’s deepest hurt,
			Who loved us at our worst….

There is not one, no one but Christ,
	Who could have left us with His spirit,
		The best comfort, the best friend,
			Meaning we’re blessed, so blessed…

By the One who gave us love,
	The One who gave us hope,
		The One who gave us life,
			The One who gave us light…

Light to shine into this world,
	Light to provide assurance of good,
		Light to express what it means to truly love,
			Light from the One who sent us His Son…

Savior of the world, Savior of the soul,
	Savior who made a way through the shadows,
		Savior who prayed away the worst doubts,
			Savior who is so amazing – I’m always praising!

I love Jesus more than life,
	Not only because He saved me,
		But, most of all, because He gave me,
			A heart that believes and a heart that can see…

Through the fears and tears, 
	Through the sorrows and pains,
		Through the worst of the shame,
			Into the love that sustains, love that remains…

A gift I’ll claim because I’ll never be the same,
	Since I gave my life to the One who took the blame,
		For all my sins – He came to die…
			Because of Him, I have a new life…

Because of Him, I’ll be with God eternally,
Because of Him, my soul will live forever,
Because of Him, my praise can be heard in heaven.
Because I believe… He is the only One I will ever need!