Love Poem: Hidden Agenda
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Written by: Dwayne Moore

Hidden Agenda

With a list of things to be done,
At most meetings it is normally read out loud.
Although this agenda is different,
It is typically read out to a croud.
Some meetings are being held,
With an agenda detailed of its kind,
Others walk with their agenda, 
Within their very own mind.
When someone does something nice for you,
Is it profitable for them or was it from the heart.
This is the BIG question
That we must answer from the start.
When we do what we do or say what we say
What is the MOTIVE behind it?
Are we doing it for something in return or,
Waiting to get something back from it.
You see, true love is genuine and when it is given
We do not look for returns from those
Because the Lord may come from any angle He wants
And who knows how your blessing will be composed.
I can do the right things for the wrong reasons,
And it will not put me in any near superior standings.
Because once again the Lord deals with our hearts and minds,
So GOOD MOTIVE is something He would be handling.
Just like Saul, when he was killing the Jews,
He thought he was doing the Will of God.
Until his Damascus Road experience where he then joined the Jews.
So if your agenda be open or closed,
Remember it will always be open to the Lord our Master.
For He knoweth our thoughts afar off.
And we know that open rebuke is better than secret love 
This is what is said by the Master