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Though I am a drop in the ocean you sail on,
one love is what floats (lifts all ships) on earth’s oceans.
Such truth can’t be fathomed, much less seen or nurtured!
Let ‘Love’ be rejoiced in; love’s warmth seems sufficient;
its Grace serves to answer most deeply felt questions.
I’m part of that love (though not blip on fame’s radar)
for poems have form, if not place, on most hard drives.
Let light and dark pixels spark retinas’ neurons
and still pluck soft chord on guitar that some ears hear.
Words tasted, hearts breached, prompt a chance of connection.
Base units for love sport a depth none can measure,
with impact so huge (it brings pain to God’s heartstrings)!
What binds us together is more than hemp moorings,
the parents that sire us, a map to lost treasure.
Might life’s well-known ending give birth to affection?
Is our ‘true relation’ (not marriage or good cheer)?
‘One Truth’ an illusion? Just ask those electrons
whose waves interfere with each gate that their mass strives
to pass through, like bullets! ‘One Truth’ is a crowbar
that ‘puts to shame’ models (all Science suggestions)!
The ‘Joke’ is, ‘One Truth’ is not ‘True,’ seems deficient,
and ‘truth’ that seems ‘True’ is not ‘Plain Truth’ but ‘textured!’
New Math’s kind of ‘Beauty’ in Science has notions
that Beauty’s evolving. Space-Time’s oxymoron?
Brian Johnston
20th of July in 2021