Hidden truth fights against ignorance the summit of all evil
Higher is the purpose of peace
speaking damned ill against bloodshed
As war is a brutal slave
Grinding people down into extreme poverty
Where stealing treasuries opens up a wormhole
against humanity
and makes men beasts of this burden faceless
Revealing double standards
Within codes practicing justice poor beggars
This democracy is a tailored made outfit against law and order
protection has clearly been removed
Performing it's proper role has shown many are bought
In favour of the small minority view turning words
An elitist attitude is driven purely by greed
shows one battlefield against the poor innocent souls suffering
We all become the victims of these ungodly parasites ruining our world
When our voices can no longer instruct ignorance
emotions are high running to the highest temple of faith and love
Held completely hostage and silenced by evil wrongdoing
addressing our sacred duty
victims live under a trail of tears
they hold little value to warmongers and twisted news
Deceivers are corrupting this earth through lies
This amounts to high treason such vile rotting acts of abominations
millions of women and children are left homeless
their remains the facts under famine of good morals