I was acused of something I didn’t do.
An unfair assumption was all he knew.
I tried so hard to stay true
But deny was all I could do.
All my friends became people I never knew
Even the ones who had a Christian view.
At the beginning my friend grew jealous of a guy
Telling lie after lie
Until I wasn’t quite sure of what was right in my mind.
Then the truth I thought I found were just more lies
Expanded over years of time.
I told him I was sorry and wrong
But it was to late.
He never let me forget that mistake.
I went my separate way living day to day.
I dealt with my friends that way.
He and I stated to talk.
We even took a walk.
Maybe we could be friends.
I thought we could make amends.
But then the accusations came into play.
So much he didn’t have the chance to hear my say.
He died in a car accident that day.
I found out it was my good friend that let me take the fall.
At his funeral I stood tall.
I won’t ever forget the night I got the call.
He was drinking and driving after he heard the news you were with Paul.
I never got the chance to tell him
It wasn’t true not at all.
The truth was I had always loved him and only him.
Their was never anyone else but him.