Him Or Me Pt 1 (Adult Content)
Him or me? Sweetie who's it gonna be? You have me waiting, anticipating. This
question should not have you hesitating. I've sat back and listened to you explain. Your
need for me but love for "what-his-name?" It should not be so hard for you to decide. For
he keeps you on an emotional roller coaster ride. Take a look back when I was before him.
It's not difficult to comprehend. I was your honey. lover, friend. Just follow your heart and
follow what your body tells you. It's a start when you acknowledge I've never failed you.
Damn-it woman you hold the power. Who do you think about in lonely hours? Who do you
imagine touching you in the shower? You know I'm the one who goes deep. Sweetie you
know my love is unique. You know I'll do what he won't in the bedroom. You know when it
comes to you nothing is sexually taboo.
I'm the one who takes you out on the town. You know I like to go down. You know I'm
far from selfish in bed. Does he wake you up to morning head? Come on don't lie. Does he
gobble, make you hobble after eating your apple pie? Does he keep your kitty on a sexual
high? Does he flip, dip bite into your battleship? He probably see's it as invalid. So I know
he don't toss your salad. Baby you know what I'm about. Does he make you cry out in
ecstacy? When you're with him do you think of me?
Tell me, does he show you public affection? Was he there with you watching "Obama"
win the election? Is he there for you, share with you special moments in life? Will he
sacrifice his career? Does he whisper sweet words in your ear? Does he kiss the tip of your
nose? Surprise you with a rose? Does he massage your feet? Take you out to eat? Does
he make your heart smile? And to comfort you, would he walk a thousand miles? Does he
do these things and then some? No! He's silly and dumb! Always on the run, always on the
go and no! "Attention" he doesn't show! He don't know that I'm the one who understands. I
support your goals and plans. I know you like no other. You don't need advice from your
mother. She even knows I'll catch you if you fall. You know she see's me as her son-n-law.
Continued on pt 2
Note: Spoken word piece. Sometimes ladies you let that best male friend get away and
end up with th wrong man!