His Loving Gifts
How wonderful you are to have given me your grace, if there was one thing that I
could do it would be to take your place.
I know how impossible that sounds to you and me, knowing that God Our Father,
chose you instead, to set me free.
You had no sin, no blemish, nor did you ever fall, you stood there with such
sadness, while still loving us all.
Then keeping your promise you went to the cross, there the stage was set before
us knowing your life would be lost,
Everyone stood around with tears flowing to the ground, but you knew your father
was with you and you were heaven bound.
Time stopped before us while you were on that cross, but you prayed to Our
Father to keep our souls from being lost.
You were seen by 2 men that very day, then as your Father promised 3 days you
rose to say: “ There is Forgiveness of sins for those who turn to me, all you need
to do is confess them and you will be set free.”
This is your loving gifts to all the bible scriptures share,
so if you don’t know Jesus you will find him there.