His Touch
Like the soft touch of sun
Beaming through the dawn
Love whispers through one
Who draws nearer the Son
The One who teaches hearts
To give without expectation
To live without gratification
To forgive without complication
Like the breath of gentle air
Soothing hearts and reaching out
To color hopes in hues of crimson
Passionate dreams from Him
Who gives peace it’s final triumph
Charms and strengthens like a goliath
Awakens knowledge of our reliance
On the One who created our very souls
Like the winds that capture the hearts
With a dance of joy enlivening thoughts
Captivating and dreaming of sensations
Murmuring joy into the imagination
Shading the senses with creativity
And wisdom that harbors so much
Tenderness and intensity that it thrives
On the fires that burn on the inside
God knows the heart and soul like we
Can never know… so deeply, so intimately
That our hearts can only smile with love
From the feeling that comes when God
Reaches down to us with a hand of hope
A caress of pure warmth, kindness, love
That can only be awakened by the sweet
Gentle touch of that hand from up above!