His Words
His words breath life over all my thoughts
Humble me in ways that inspire, instruct
Stir up joy in my soul so that I always know
Love like His is radiant, vibrant – trembling
With forever on its heals, eternity rising
Through the fires of pain, sorrow and grief
His words leave me feeling like I can do things
I never imagined possible – find my way through
Struggles and troubles I never thought I could
Reach beyond my fears and tears, accomplishing
Goals that I never believed would be achievable
Moving through life with confidence, a promise
He is always with me, always providing me with
Hope and faith, grace that guarantees my fate
His words light the way toward joy and peace
Arouse my spirit with appreciation, satisfaction
Feelings alive with praise that glorifies, worshiping
Abiding love that survives the tests of time, endures
The worst that there is – the shadows of doubt
The darkness that clouds the clear, blue skies
With animosity, despair – feelings so black they dim
The pleasure, the laughter, the joy that He stirs
His words color my dreams in hues of wonder,
Forever that is filled with adoration for Him, the One
Who guides me through the silence, the aching
Anguish that slices through the heart, the soul
Burning away the elation that survives all the hurt
To remind me that His love is forever alive inside
Where nothing on this earth can take away the marvel
Love that brings back hope, faith and sweet grace
Flashes of motivation, miraculous adoration, worship
Reverence for the One who brings the heart its morals
The One who brings the certainty to those who distrust
The One who silences fears with a tenderness so perfect
The One who knows my heart, my soul and my spirit….
And, through it all, still loves me with His entire being
With a love that is alive, passionate and filled with hope
Preparing me for whatever I face, be it darkness or grace
Making a way for me to say…. His words teach me to always
Take each day, with appreciation for a love this big, a love
That gives me forgiveness, faith, feelings…. Blesses me
With scriptures that I can treasure forever – His words
Are a light to my heart and soul, a reflection of His LOVE!