His Words Are Spoken In Verse
His verses echo in each room
Inside the decorated house there's peace
Snow seems an allusive fantasy
Wondrous pines glitter on frozen lake
Ornaments sparkle like shimmering ice
Romina sings a carol to the infant
Dancing to the rhythm of snowflakes
Serena sets up the Christmas Tree
Alice paints a scene imitating Gothe
Ron plays Star Wars with exciting eyes
Elise bakes vanilla cookies with pecan
Sipping hot chocolate with whipped cream
Puppies look outside and run wild
Onlookers stop to admire twinkling windows
Karen hangs wreaths with red bows
Entering this atmosphere, one finds thrills
Nobody but grandma believes in Santa
Inciting a spirit that still delights
Vintage books still unread must wait
Eddy's look is fixed on presents
Read Jack Frost's short Christmas poem
Silence is more profound when listening
Eventually what is read becomes reality.