Love Poem: Hit the Ground
Joy Bohland Avatar
Written by: Joy Bohland

Hit the Ground

He wasn't sly, he was just as he seemed,
unreliable and falling free.
Covered in rough sand paper was he.
This I knew, but chose to believe
that everyone has someone in this world
and dangerous boys can be changed by little girls.
That free fallers must hit the ground 
and when it happened, I'd be around.
To stand underneath him and open my net
and catch him in time, perfect.

He trembles in his sleep, 
wakes up with bad dreams 
curses at the sky 
as he tries not to cry.
I go on with my quiet life
and think of him from time to time.

She doesn't know his heart can melt
and all through the night he needs to be held.
Whispered softly to like a child.
Eventually, I'd have tamed his wild.

What goes up must come down.
Listen as free fallers hit the ground.