Love Poem: Hold hands and fly through space
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Written by: Michelle Morris

Hold hands and fly through space

One of the most difficult experiences we have as humans is leaving someone we love with our whole being. It is heartbreaking to accept that someone we love is really bad for us. 

This acknowledgement and acceptance can take years but the key thing to remember is that it doesn't have to diminish the love in our hearts. 

We can let these souls go with love and light and the understanding that no one belongs to us. And no one is lost to us. It's just part of the life path we are on. We'll be connected eternally at a higher level. 

Hold hands and fly through space 
By Michelle Morris

It took me so very long to accept
That you were not right for me
All my love and light and longing
Would have to be there eternally

Where we are joined together
Connected throughout space and time
No longer in a relationship on this life path
But sent in different directions through our lives

These lessons can seem particularly brutal
Especially if we have so much invested in them
But, there is a rhyme and reason for it all
We won't always know whilst we are living

And as we move through the rhythms
The heartbeats and heartbreaks that we know
We'll experience the ebb and flow of emotions
And eventually learn acceptance and let go

Don't be sad if you don't see me again
And I'll do my best to do the same
Let's focus on the joy we've shared
And learn to keep dancing in the rain

Where the rainbows and sunshine find us
Dishevelled and messy and glorious
For our souls are not here to play it safe
We're meant to rise and shine victorious

I will think of you often, my love
I'll remember the warmth of your hands
I'll focus on the love and the blessings
As I live through the passing of sand

The hourglass can never be replenished
Those sands only move one way
But we know that we are eternal souls
And we'll see each other again one day

So, keep me in your heart and soul
Keep our memories close always
I'll look for you as I watch the stars
When we hold hands and fly through space

© Michelle Morris, 2024