Hold Me
Put your hands around me,
so I can hold and caress you.
Touch your face and run my hands
on your hair and strum your back
with my fingers. Hold me in your arms
and let me hear your heartbeat.
Hold me tight and let me feel your warm
body giving me warmth and affection.
Put me on your lap and put my head
on your shoulder. Hold me tighter
and let me hear you breathing.
Stay silent or whisper sweet nothings.
Hold me longer and let the time linger.
This is the time for us that I will always
think of, remember and hold in my heart,
a time for us… brief; but so meaningful.
Quiet, tender, expressive, stirring.
I do not ask for much, this is all I ask.
I don't need security, don’t need fancy stuff.
I feel secure enough and I have what I want.
All I need from you is a time for us, as I lay out.
You told me last night, “We have to find time
for you and I” and I said, “a time for us”.
I wish you making time instead of finding time.