Love Poem: Hollow Circumstances
Therese Bacha Avatar
Written by: Therese Bacha

Hollow Circumstances

I want to howl, run and flee, 
not to watch what I don't see.
I want to rise, run and flee
 not have to watch what's in the sea.
Tonight, I am like a seed unplanted,
 blown by the wind.

I pray not to remember 
that day in December,
 when the grass was green
and I fell in love with you.
I wish to forget when my life
 felt so soothing with you, 
when we met under the sparkling moon, 
that unique night in December.

I crave to forget how your eyes 
used to close, whenever you kissed me,
 forget the way your heart beat,
 whenever you whispered in my ear,
how much you loved me.
Forget how you used to rest 
your head on my shoulder,
tell me words I wanted to hear,
 forget it was only you 
who could make me sigh.

Help me forget. It was only you 
who could illuminate
my darkness,
 it was you who could thrill 
my heart with love.
I have to forget. It was only you,
who could sway me to understand  
how to grant my reverie 
become real.

Let me forget how each night at twilight 
 we would pray for the evening, 
to be just the two of us, 
dream of the days send 
just to be together.
Forget how our sweet souls
would reach the sky, touch each other
until we could no more endure,
but make love.

Help me forget how my dreams 
started to develop a sweet sensation,
than previous ones, after I laid eyes on you,
that day in December.
Forget how dancing with you
was almost charged with electricity
whenever we touched.

Let me forget, how you appeared 
that day in December like an illusion, 
when the light went on.
Suddenly, my life was shining,
nothing was normal when I knew
 you were the one and only,
forty five years ago.

Tonight, we became separated shadows.
Tomorrow, will become hollow circumstances.
You left me sinking in my tears.

                            Therese Bacha
                             March 15 2014