Love Poem: Holy Is the Lamb
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Written by: Hija De La Luna

Holy Is the Lamb

Holy is the lamb!
So pure, so white, 
So gentle and mild; 
Unblemished, spotless 
Oozing with heavenly blessedness!

You showed me servanthood
When you listened to your mission
When you followed God’s plan
When you entered death on the cross
Paid your blood for my salvation!

You taught me perfect humility
For you did not wear your crown
Nor wear a purple gown
Nor live in a palace
And live for life status.

You are the heavenly lamb,
You are enthroned in God’s right hand,
You are victorious like a lion,
You are robed in divine triumph,
Always fighting evil for me!

Holy Lamb of God!
Take away my vanity,
My inordinate affections,
My false sense of sufficiency
Daily grant me your heavenly protection!
