Homeward Bound
My Lord, my Lord,
i'm crying out to you!
Look down on me,
and wipe the tears from my face!
It seems i'm lost,
running around in circles,
Please lift me out of this miserable place!
I've put myself here,
because of the fear of this world all around me!
Please help me to see your glory and peace,
and know your love will always carry me!
You are my light!
You are my salvation!
The salt of the earth!
The bread of life!
If i put my faith and my trust in you Lord,
i know you will always win the fight!
My Lord, my Lord,
please help me to be strong,
and let me feel your presence all around!
I will stand in faith and trust in YOU with everything i go through,
and one day, i will be HOMEWARD BOUND!