Love Poem: Ho'Oponopono Prayer
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Written by: Michelle Morris

Ho'Oponopono Prayer

The ho’oponopono prayer goes like this:
“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.”

It's very touching, especially given how simple and universal these words are.

I've written a poem inspired by these words. May we forgive each other and ourselves with grace and humility. Blessings, love and light. 

Ho'oponopono prayer
By Michelle Morris

"I’m sorry, 
Please forgive me, 
Thank you, 
I love you.”

I'm sorry... For anything I have done to harm you... 
Please forgive me... I didn't mean to cause you pain... 
Thank you... For our interchange of love and light... 
I love you... For we are one consciousness in this universe so vast... 

I'm sorry... I will try to be better for all of us... 
Please forgive me... As I forgive you... 
Thank you... For being a reflection of our lives... 
I love you... We are souls ignited forever by our silver threads of humanity... 

"I’m sorry, 
Please forgive me, 
Thank you, 
I love you.”

May we forgive each other and ourselves as we acknowledge our humanity with humility and grace...
For we are each other's keepers and we're here to help each other learn and grow, survive and thrive... 
We are, and forever remain, one tribe... 

© Michelle Morris, 2021