Hope For the Best
How can one do this every day
To put your heart out there
For one to say that there
Life won’t work if you had to stay
Thus killing ones being
For the destruction of not
Being wanted will end in death
For that act of giving of your all
One may just say you were mental
For they never knew, know just how
Hard it is to show every feeling
That only wants to grow
But when they turn around
Saying NO all it could do
Is break you in every way
You wouldn’t even want to stay
Now that they have rejected you
They would never found
The true love that you
Had to show them day by day
So all you could do in the end
Is show your love and hope
For the best and just leave the rest
Then walk away knowing
That you have said all
That you had to say
All you can do is hope
Hope for the best and
Leave it all up to them
For you can only say
I LOVE YOU in so many ways.