Hope of the World
He whispers His love into my heart
Preparing my thoughts for a shining sun
Who breathes smiles and laughter
Caressing me with so much wonder, joy
Beyond speaking, beyond hoping
He colors my memories, my insights
In gentleness and tender delight
Filling me with inspiration and creativity
Imagination that rains down grace
Reflecting all the glory of my Savior
He captures my dreams in His palm
Leaving me with only the shadows
Of a doubt who casts darkness over
The peace that surrounds me, pressing
Down on my spirit with reassurance
He embraces my wishes and ambitions
With warm and tender comfort, faith
That what is and what will be, what comes
To life on the edge of His generous affection
Is a passion that frees the spirt from dark
He stirs the most brilliant belief, the awe
From one who knows it is this love, this light
Lingering on the spirit of a heart who knows
He is life – in His presence there is no doubt
This is the One who brings hope to the world