Hopeful Reality
And when I find that someone
Whether they be masculine, feminine,
Or caught somewhere in between
I want our love to be seen
As just that.
Not something to be examined
Poked and processed
Peered at by scientists.
And I hope that everything
That I have seen played out
In the cinema of my memory
Does not discourage me
From having the courage
To love them fully.
Because that is the thing
That truly terrifies me.
Believing that this person
Can want me for the rest of eternity.
Selflessly handing me the keys
To their heart's hopes and dreams
Fears and humiliations
Like I am the only one
Who can fulfill them
Fix them
Replace them
With thoughts greater than
What they could imagine.
And the only thought
That is more terrifying
Then all of this happening
Is never getting a chance to live it.
So don't you dare
Take it away from me
Before it even has a chance to become