Love Poem: How do I write a love poem-POTD
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Written by: Jay Narain

How do I write a love poem-POTD

When I see a beauty, a vision divine,
Love songs within me start to entwine.
Her face, a garden of blossoms in bloom,
Each petal a verse, dispelling gloom.

Her smile, a fragrance, jasmine sweet,
Enveloping senses in a fragrant retreat.
Her hair, a river, flowing so free,
In waves of grace, an enchanting spree.

Her eyes, like butterflies, dancing with light,
Captivating gazes, a mesmerizing sight.
But if my admiration goes unnoticed, alas,
Lonely songs I'll sing, hoping she'll pass.

Yet if still she remains in her distant sphere,
No desperation, for love draws near.
I'll wait for another inspiration to flow,
For in the river of time, love will grow.