Love Poem: How Great is Love

How Great is Love

How great is Love
that soothes the souls
of those with pain and loss,
of those who cannot
find their way
in waves like stones
are tossed,
of those without
a place to lay 
their heads
when nighttime falls.
Yes, how great is Love
that hears your name
and answers all Life's calls.

How great is Love
that calms the fears
and quiets
all the din,
and frees the heart
of clutter, of chaos
and allows
the Light back in. 

Yes, how great is Love,
how great is Joy,
how great is Life indeed,
for no one can take
this Love away
whenever the soul
is in need
of comfort, of praise,
and of knowing
there is always
Love's helping hands.

How great is Love
that is everywhere,
at every turn,
no matter what 
people may say,
or whatever
they may do,
Love rises above
and is always there 
and Love 