How Much Do I Love You?
How much do I love you?
Let me tell you
I love you with all my heart.
My love for you never stops.
It’s there through night and day.
with a certain renewal every day.
My love for you can’t be measured,
because it grows know matter what.
Blooming higher and higher
into the sky. Stretching wider and
wider as it glides.
My love for you slaps a genuine smile
on my face. That looks down right silly
from left to right.
My love for you puts a dash of flounce
in my step. While striding along a
gleaming path.
My love for you can be expressed
through my loving touch. Spoken
with a language of its own.
I could write all day and night long, but
it wouldn’t be enough time,
since my love for you
goes on and on.