How to say
How do you tell people
You've only just met,
Who you've known
No more than a year
That you hoped
This would happen
You hoped
You'd be friends.
How soon is too soon
To tell them they helped
Get you through things.
Made you see
You weren't alone.
How do you tell them
You're thankful
You got to meet them
And have them
Part of a chapter
In your life.
How do you explain
Without them
You'll be lost,
Knowing they'll move on
Without you.
How do you tell them
This is a form of love
You're experiencing
Too soon.
How do you say
That they made your days.
Work was exciting
If only because of them.
How do you tell people
You've only just met
That you hope
They'll be around
A while longer.
How do you say,
'I hope you will stay.'
Without seeming selfish.