I'm just one of God's children conceive from him with a woman and a man I am trying my best to realize my circumstance trying to understand I am missing something in this life it's special you don't understand all I ever want to be is just loved you don't embrace me you don't like me all you want to do is hurt me but I believe that I can withstand your evil ways Which at hand I always wondered why you strive to do the things you do inside filled with hate you never loved but you two were created by God now with this I release from the powers up above I think you need my brother and sister just a
The man in the clan don't like me cause I'm not like him relishes in his hatred because he can't stand the color that I've been placed with but within sin nature I find it amazing you hate me what would happen if you were placed unconscious chemically alter your skin color then awakened in the room covered floor, wall, ceiling of mirrors and you saw you're naked skin and all you saw was me now we're the same color what will you do now hatred hater of your soul but you know what I still loved you then and now so I will embrace you with the
Maya a teenage girl who is not like them the cheerleaders the beauties
the ones with perfect skin all the girls laugh at her all the boys shun seems like everyone makes fun of her because she cause she's full figured now she is not a beauty by the words of this world but her true beauty is in her soul she loves love and life she does she's just want to be remembered as not one of those though she is committed with the vision thank God knows her heart true beauty is not what you look like so no bulimia, finger eating , fonicating beautiful teen girl
By the world standard Gonna Keep Me Down because we are all God's children so unforgiving I'll keep living I'll forgive the girls and boys because in your spirit in your inner self you and I both need love an Jesus so get up and come over here or if you don't I'll come over there you are all forgiven we just need a