I can't hurt you any more
That is why I closed that door
You can't break my heart
You can't tear my world apart
I know the feelings we have are real
But I also know I can't let myself feel
Not that I don't want you
But because I have to
Love is a wonderful thing when it's free
But you love her not me
And I am with someone too
So dear I can't have you
Someday maybe things will change again
Then maybe we can be friends
But for now thats all I have for you
And you tell me that won't do
So I guess we go our own ways
Wait and see what comes someday
If it is meant to be it will
If not we have a life time to kill
So hold on to you love if you can
And may be someday you will be my man
But if not then hope life treats you well
And know my heart has done fell