Love Poem: Hush the blush
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Written by: Unseeking Seeker

Hush the blush

Push and pull, life’s game inane,
fleeting joy, lingering pain;
a strange darkness where we dwell,
holed up in body-mind shell.

We wish to have right of way,
in this form doomed to decay 
and it’s only when death nears,
oblivion heightens fears.

Fast forward to point of death,
the moment of our last breath;
knowing not where we’re headed
and to whom we’ll be wedded.

Back here now, as we exhale,
does heart sing or does it pale,
worried about the morrow,
attachments cause of sorrow?

Instant can be soul’s release,
free from fear, flowing with ease,
if we get to know we are,
light of God, a shining star.

God is love and heart’s His home;
living light is our genome,
which we see in direct sight,
if but we give up the fight.