Hyy There
Hyy there! Rajkumar Pudasaini
the way to your heart, is
muddy, now days
its been slippery i have fallen many times
i do have a branded shoes, with strong gripy shoe sole in it,
bought it in famous market, nice shop, decent one,
didn’t have this experience before, but here it is,
I don’t know!
please get cemented it, make it good one , will you.?
the door to your soul, is-
is crooked
not settled! not smoothly! Its rough! It is scattered
now days,
it does not fit well! makes noiseses! while opening!
looks okay, but the wood is not sanded! Door runners are not oiled!
its rusty that’s why !
it only looks good from distance,
but it has problems,
get fit it, repair it. will you.?
the windows from your eyes, is
is seems fragmentary,
through it you see lots of dust in scenarios,
cloudy, 1 dimensional, or even dimensionless
sees only the dry hills!
no mountain! no sky! no color! no oceans!
-- are sessions out here!!
all sessions- spring, summer, fall, autumn, winter
rainbow of colors,
3D variety, !
get all those fixed , and come out,
lets dance.! will you.?
yes get those all fixed!!
we don’t want to have an accident after getting drunk,
yes, its dance and party
of drinking our feelings.
crazy we!!