I,M Sending My Love To My Ceizar Souza
i,m sending my love to my dear ceizar souza
can you see the tears that fall over the sweet red roses in the garden
of my love for you my dear ceizar
can you feel your body ack
can you see the love that i show for you my dear ceizar
the birds sing such beautiful words in the tree tops so high
candle light shine in the room of love for you
word written never forgoten
poems so powerful to my heart
i touch your soft face my heart is beating faster with each movement
your my light
for as we dance in the the small hours of the night in to the sweet daylight
see i told you I'm not joking with you
i want to be with you forever my love,my wife,my light
see the angles sing above for i,m sending my love to you dear ceizar
god is our friend
he will show us our sweet way's to love each other trust is my life and my
life is you dear ceizar
14th december 2010