So here it is,
The soul transposed
That never could quite lose control
So here I am
And here I stand
A shell of what was once a man
I used to know love's sweet caress
I used to feel, within a kiss,
That there, encapsuled, was the truth
I used to feel, but I was young
And time has torn my mind from songs once sung
By a fleeting fool, foundering in youth
Ah, those were the days
When a fleeting beat of heart
Could forever alter every part of my entire being,
Letting loose the tongue to say three words
That I could never stay
But, alas, the heart soon becomes continent
Lost within complacency
Content with all the naught of feeling
Never even seeing something else,
The possibility of sacrifice for aught but self
But no, I am not who I was
The past could never thrall me
A newborn soul, reborn because
The heart will ever be
So now I stand, confined by time and place
A half-dead smile transfixed upon my face
An o'er-used lack of interest
A slight expression of unrest
But I have seen, and I have heard
I've tried to fade from this fell world
My soul has known how love can kill
My soul's shackled its silent will
"I Love" Ah! Only now I know
These words once said now ring most vast
But hollow
For now empirically I know
The selfsame truth of empty soul
A tear that falls into the dust
That gathers at my feet
That death so deep in me
Has ever known what it has been
To be