I Am a Dreamer
She cud feel the attraction between them,
She took a step closer to him,
It was like a magnet was pulin her towards him,
His warmth was like a blanket put on her to keep
her warm in a winter nyt...
His breath was warm,
But it made her feel cold.
All she wanted was to tuk into his warm arms.
When he took her in his arms,
Her world stopped,
it was all she needed.
She felt as if she was dreaming,
She was a dreamer,
Today she was in a dream,
A dream she wudnt want to wake up from.
The feeling came from within her
She felt her heart dancing, shaking,
She loved the feeling, everything was clear to her now.
She cud feel the love...
Even tho she had neva experienced
anything of ths kind b4,
she knew it was love
Everything felt so real to her.
He had a smooth touch,
His lips were sweet nd wet.
She wud love to keep them locked in his
for as long as tym cud allow it.
He talked to her,
Now she realised that it all is real,
She is not dreaming.
His words were those of love.
He was expressing his undying love for her.
She felt his presence in her life.
He was, he is wat she needs,
She is in a real world with him
And that's all that matters to her,
He is the main reason for her everyday smile.
She put her arms around him
She kissed him back and smiled.
She is in love with him too...