I Am Just a Voice
I am Just a Voice.. Crying in the Wind
Come.. Follow Jesus.. Believe in Him!
Receive Your Salvation
Before it's too late
Repent from all your sins
Jesus Is The Door - Way.. The Gate
You Must be Born-again
Don't Wait!
Each Second - Each Moment - Each Day - pass
Maybe the Last
Chance is Now to take--Don't make a mistake
Now... tis Chance a person Could have.. To be Saved
Receive Eternal Life!
I'm Just a Voice... Crying in the Wind
This is Not a joke.. Nor a story
God Is Real.. Come Receive.. His Mercy.. His Glory!
Wake up everyone!
Come Accept and Believe
In Our Father's Son.. Jesus Christ!
Our Savior.. Our King!
Next second.. could be Eternity!!!
Where are You going to be???