I Am Love
love is death do you part,it is with me i'm stuck to its heart, it talks to me promised it will
never depart, it brings kindness even to the darkest of all art, for the eye to even willed its
love, pure nature must shine from the brightest star above, i am love the absence of hate,
the absence of pain that one man could not regulate, love is when greed is obliterated from
your mind, and the path of rightness is in front and not behind, i am love darkness have no
power over my light, i sore higher then the longest string on the highest kite,i am born of my
own womb, i am love traped in it's deepest tomb, release me so i can consume...,the hearts
that's traped in the other room, these things i do for i am love, you should pray to god he
sent me to cathch you i am a glove,i am love that can't wait for the day to be for toll, only to
see the pureness of loves soul. i as love say charish your mate, if you with her love has set
your fate, i am so powerful they named a day after me, one that we all can see, this is my
loves way, I call this valentine's day, Remaember and unlike teeth your love will never decay.