I Am Loved
I was looking in mirror at my notes thinking I am loved and wanted I can see myself the way God sees me I won't waste more of my life thinking I am unloved and unwanted I made up my mind I am not going back this time I don't have to walk around with my head hanging down it took me a while to get to this point
I am not going to be jealous of others you call me beautiful and that's who I am I love who I am no one can determine who I am now with tears in eyes because I'm free from the option of others it feels so good to think I'm loved no more waking up to negative because his opinion is all I need that was a big part of my past feeling unloved but I let go and let God have his way I know who I am a queen to the most high I am loved I have a father who knows me inside and out to me this is what it means to be loved though the storms may come over and over it's then I am reminded that he will never leave me he never promised victory without fighting my God will pick me up and carry me through why because he loves me