I Am Not Just a Rhyme Writer
I am not just a rhyme writer,
I am a fierce fighter...
waging war with wise words
to stop the siege of swords.
I am not just a rhyme writer,
I am a lovely lighter,
sparking in souls, fresh fires
of deep and divine desires.
I am not just a rhyme writer,
I am a firefighter,
quenching the rage of regret
with each new nitty nugget.
I am not just a rhyme writer,
I am a bullet biter,
sailing against stormy tide
and making it a joyride.
I am not just a rhyme writer,
I am flaw fighter,
using my pen to tame terror
and erode expensive errors.
I am not just a rhyme writer,
I am a lamplighter,
helping men to find fountains
and stop moulding mountains.
I am not just a rhyme writer,
I am a sharpshooter...
damaging people's ignorance
so they can enjoy abundance.