I Am Small In Comparison
I see the murals on the walls
And the paintings adorning
The ceilings of these churches and chapels,
Depicting great deeds and I then reflect on small me
How can I compete and rise up and be,
Someone who enacts change as great as enacted by these deities,
Then it comes to me
Just be who you are meant to be
And if it's destined and ordained to be
You will get there in the end
Through the messages we send
And the kindness and love that many do not comprehend,
Will mean we will rise us up into the heavens
And we will rise up and give it everything,
That's as much anyone can be expecting,
Just don't be afraid to dream to big,
The universe and deities want you to reach out for the stars
And show just how enlightened you are,
Through being the peaceful and compassionate person you are
Lighting up all of the dark.