I Am So Blessed
I am so lucky to have had the life God granted me,
There is not enough time left for me to tell all the blessings, daily I see.
Since I surrendered my life to Jesus that warm summer day,
I feel His presence, everywhere and in everyway.
And I feel like so many others that experience His love,
It must be shared with others so they will know there is a heaven above.
And that no matter how far they may have strayed, He patiently waits,
With arms wide open, He can change your destiny, I promise He will only steer you straight.
I know I walked the walk and talked the talk of an altogether different man,
What He did for me I know He will do for you, He is the only one who can.
I still have many faults, but he is working on those too,
All the pent up anger, Jesus is the cure, He knows just what to do.
Don’t ever sell yourself short, His love is real,
Put it to the test, then you’ll know exactly the way I feel.
If we all follow His word, can you imagine what a grand old world this would be?
If the whole world would dedicate one day to doing nothing but following His word, then they
couldn’t help but see.