I Am the Attributes of God- Hallelujah Nose -
I was made to be eternal
I was also created to be a co-creator
Once transcendent yet still energy
Placed IN a vessel but not for all eternity
For my truest self shall flow rise and excel
I am the attributes of God
And in those attributes we share
I am loving I am HOLY I am good
Only in HIM through HIM I am just I am jealous the jealousy of God
I share my heart with no earthly idols
We share this such is trust His love I am merciful
I am sovereign
To the authority of the Most High God
I am omnipotent powerful knowledgeable
I am patient I am faithful I am spirit
My eyes are the windows to my soul
Which is where God looks out and God looks in
We together contemplate I learn of HIM HE knows of me
My character is innate WE begin to grasp each other
Glorious lovingly
All inspiring
And HOLY the person of the Trinity is upon me
And in me it's the only one Worthy of our alliance
Jesus Christ model these characteristics in HIS life in ministry
I want to establish
I want to glean from HIS presence I want to learn what it means
HOW to apply HIS self in my life
I can grow in the face of the Lord
My God my attributes the windows to my soul
Communicable these are the attributes
I share with God
I share with my Lord
These are the attributes I share with God
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2023