I Am Vain Like Veins
The stark gray of the rainfall in a tortured Heaven—this is how the you view the world
Not through eyes of reason or objective pondering
As the minds of philosophers, of thinkers, of geniuses
But through the mind of subjective and bitter reactions
Like the minds of viscous beasts hunting the Sheep and Lambs
I am vain like veins..
Tepid clouds are actively shrouding the night
Thou shall kiss the moon with cold lips—
And again think with a fragile heart: do not worry it will not burn thee;
the heat that was once searing the day is hiding under the Luna
Thou have an icy frame—like the gentle winters…
Do you know of the gods of love?—maybe in the signing of the leases you learned something
from the Owner
Thou were a sheep; thou were a lamb; thou were a subtle flower in the sweet smell of April…
but thou now has an icy frame—like the gentle winter
And the rotten tendrils of your decaying vines has a putrid stench
I am vain like veins...
The monotonous drops of rain fall like tears…