I Began To Write Love On My Arms
[beforehand i just want to let you know that i wrote this in honor of November 17th. which is
To Write Love On Her Arms Day. im hoping to come up with a better one before than. but i
still hope you enjoy this quickly-wrote one(: ]
this is about me.
this is my story.
it is about my struggle,
my fall downs,
&& all the breakdowns.
this is about every wound i placed upon my body.
over 60 self inflicted wounds,
that as my story went on they began to heal.
i stoped writing "give up"
i began to write love on my arms
this is about me.
this is my story.
it is about my past.
how it haunted me for years,
&& how im still running from some of it.
this is how i went from a hood rat,
to me actually caring about myself.
i began to write love on my arms
this is about me.
this is my story.
it is about how i learned to keep the bottle off of my nightstand.
i dont need liquor running through my veins 24/7.
i started to look at life through sober eyes.
i began to write love on my arms
&& as i wrote this day after day, i saw that i was loved.
i found comfort in better things then pills, liquor, && razorblades.
&& even though i am still in healing,
my story is not over.
&& it will never be.
i still write love on my arms