Love Poem: I Believe In Love
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Written by: Augie Latorre

I Believe In Love

(For steph) I believe in love...

I believe in love
I believe in sitting motionless, staring up at the wide expanse of Stars in the eternal glow of the crescent moon,
A rose pettle succumbing to gravity as it drifts away from its imperfect bloom.

I believe in footprints cast in the morning dew

I believe in the first shafts of light of the imposing dawn;

The first raindrops of an impending storm, falling innocently from
charcoal skies above.

I believe in love.

I believe in holding hands

as blue ocean waves crash on the pink shores and the power of the tides shift the rippled sands.

I believe in love.

I believe in the earth shattering power of a KISS

I believe in soul wrenching longing ,brought on by distance ,
and your image haunting me in my dreams.

I curse myself for the realization of what Ive missed.

I believe in that lone tear streaking down your fragile face.

I believe in the sound of your name resonating in my heart,
making it pound, stop and start ,
swell and race.

I believe that love can vault the chasms of Time.

I believe I will hear your sweet voice echoing , as the soft late summer breezes caress the wind chimes.

I believe in your gentle touch ;
and it’s power to send me to the center of the sun.

I believe love will get us through

I believe......... in you.....