I Broke Up With Him Before the World Ended
It was a Sunday that faded slowly, but surely into a Monday when the words bounced off every corner in my room.
Sunbeams stretching over rooftops and tires roaring in screeches fill the same room that held words captive.
The final bow for the two lovers came quicker than the percussion initially thought it would, but they made it work by bouncing into a sappy version of “Pop and Circumstance.”
Blue eyes matched hazel with a smudge of sorrow filling the white space in both sets of eyes and then it was time to exit the stage for either now, or for good … Father Time doesn’t gossip.
Slam, click and tenderly placed footsteps carefully follow the map I gave them to get to the escape route out of my heart.
Monday morning begins and tears get delayed once more, for fear of passerby suspicion.