I Brushed the Moons
I've painted a world lighted by two moons
colors carefully blended from my artist's brush
blues to soothe the mournful cries of loons
soft rose from the cheeks love caused to blush
To please a new love is my canvas creation
no brush strokes can I use to bring him near
but when he arrives our love will be sated
as two hearts united within an artful sphere
Nearest moon on my left, I close my eyes
into my canvas realm I bid, send him to me
distant moon on my right, before night dies
guide him safely over your deep cobalt sea
Lunar globes hear me, and you, rough waters,
calm your waves so his journey be made swift
I brushed you to life. I am one of your daughters
rulers of the tides, offer me love's greatest gift.
Man of desirous features I beg you to choose
free spirited as I but no mere apparition
a man who will thrive among my canvas hues
and believes in love with complete conviction
There is no man a match found for me on Earth
faith in the magnitude of your pull and power
will give rise to need of my love and its rebirth
I wait in your glow to bloom as his flower