I Came By
I Came By…
(to see you)
You don’t see me.
I see you, everyday.
I am afraid to say hello.
You may say good-bye.
I just want to ask,
if you like dinner,
have you eaten?
Do you eat?
Of course you have…
or will..
or might…
I believe I will bite my lip,
until it bleeds.
I wanted to know,
what color is your favorite?
Do you like your coffee black?
If there is cracker jacks in-the-box,
do we,
should we,
fight over the peanuts,
and split the prize,
I have no courage.
I am lost,
the map…
blew out the cab window.
The ship sailed,
and left the baggage,
on the peer.
I am craving
It is my solution…
to the mathematical problem
of fear?
If it only added up!