I Can'T Desire
I can't desire the ones I love and love ones I desire,
our calluses too young, too old, to long withstand the fire
that draws us all like moths to flames that sparkle in scant dew
of each dawn's sun, a storm's sunset, that prisms rainbow's hue.
The more defined what I deem love, more dead's the love I need,
and eyes dismissed (as darkly soft) suggest thought's atrophied!
But poets know yon east most dawn, holds close what eyes would see
were choice that clear! It's not to be! A colored symphony
of meadowlarks, of whippoorwills that hide in taller grass,
escape, have certainty of birds whose truth will never pass
our sight, no fleeting glace, her shoulders, flecked like autumn's snow,
a coup de grace, the cruelest cut, a disconcerting blow!
God grant, at least, I taste some love I miss, that I might change!
Could love exist so perfect that I'm shy to rearrange
it if there seems a chance I might? Let faith weave poem's ring
and find new worth in summer's hail or winter's Indian Spring!
Who knows what lassie dares the rye, what music catch her eye,
who gainsays what her love is worth, that it's not worth a try?
Yes, rhymes can touch a reader's ear, new metaphors win praise,
a twist surprise all with its art, and rhythm's spin amaze.
I can't desire each one who comes, but I do thank the Miss,
who sees in me (just what God knows) and leaves behind a kiss.
It's not her kiss that floats my boat, but rather those who please
to stay awhile, for it's this act that brings me to my knees!
Long Tooth
June 2nd in 2020