I Can'T Even Cry Anymore
I can't even cry anymore.
I don't even know why I care.
You destroy me from the inside,
What you do to me is not fair.
You cheat on me and call me names
And make me feel like shit.
You get mad at me and force me here,
Even though I want to split.
I don't know how I stand it here,
I am miserable every day.
I want to leave and be alone,
But yet I want to stay.
I am dieing from the inside.
My heart is fading fast.
I want to keep on loving you,
But I know that this won't last.
How can you say you love me?
Even look me in the eyes.
You look at me with a straight face
And then just spit out lies.
I don't deserve to be treated like this.
I really thought you cared.
We fight so much about nothing at all,
It often makes me scared.
I will always love you with all my heart,
But this is no way to live.
I need to get love in return.
I have too much to give.
You may not be attracted to me.
Sometimes I feel the same.
But you don't care about my feelings at all.
Your lack of respect is a shame.
I am finally going to change my mind.
I'm scared of whats to come.
I only know that I'm strong and smart
And you are not the one!