Love Poem: I Can'T Explain God's Love For Me
Jim Pemberton Avatar
Written by: Jim Pemberton

I Can'T Explain God's Love For Me

I Can't Explain God’s Love for Me!

The love God has for me, 
 it’s hard to explain it!
When it comes to his love…  
I can’t contain it!

The love he brings… 
The joy untold…
Is very precious.
And worth more than gold!

Without his love and mercy…  
What would I do?
He brings new meaning to the words; 

Just to know him and the beauty 
there is in his name…
Brings comfort and joy.  
This is why he came!

Won’t you accept his gift 
of eternal life today?
And allow his love 
to brighten your day?

A relationship with him
 is his divine will…
To the storms of life,  
he speaks; “peace be still!”

Allow him to make your life 
complete within!
And you’ll find the answer
 for every sin!

He’s God!  Our provider!
And much more!
He’s here right now.  
What are you waiting for???

By Jim Pemberton